It has been almost half a year I am working as an intern at VUCX. I have to say it was a pleasant experience so far but challenging at the times. I have been doing a lot of small internal things from printing out my own business cards, so I can get in to the VIP REGIELOUNGE 44:DÜSSELDORF event.
Von Null unter die Top 100
Vision Unltd. Creative Worx GmbH schafft den Sprung auf Platz 95 der führenden deutschen Internetagenturen. Die Kölner Agentur hat sich erstmals am Internetagentur Ranking beteiligt und positioniert sich direkt unter den Top 100.
Branchenrankings sind ein wichtiger Trendindikator für den Markt: Wer führt, wer steigt auf, wer ist neu im Business, wer vergrößert sich?
Das Internetagentur-Ranking wird seit 2001 jährlich vom Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. durchgeführt und gemeinsam mit den Kooperationspartnern Hightext iBusiness, Werben & Verkaufen und HORIZONT veröffentlicht. Berücksichtigt werden Agenturen, die mehrere Ebenen der digitalen Wertschöpfungskette für ihre Kunden im Internet abbilden.
What is it all about?
I thought by now I would be able to tell you what VUCX is all about, but you know what? Even the people working over a year as freelancers here can’t tell you exactly. It’s always about different projects and that’s why it is so interesting!
Before coming to Cologne I did some sneaking on Vision and so I had some basic idea about the company itself. It is pretty clear when you visit the website that it is not just about moving images or just printed media. It is crossmedia.
I always get this question: what is crossmedia?
First week at VUCX
We, me and Lui (new italian office buddy),
have got a first day at VUCX a week ago. It was quite confusing, with so many new names to remember from the head of office till the dogs runing around, but also great! The office is filled with such an atmosphere that it seems everybody has got a shot of happiness before coming to work.
I don’t know how does it work but once you step in here you can immediatly feel the relaxed, friendly, creative and open office vibe, make a cup of coffee whenever you want and plate of pasta for lunch, for example. Also I have been told that every crazy idea coming up to your mind is to be visualized and made happen by the people here and hi end film, photo & video equipment held in the technic room.
As from the point of view who am I and what I am doing here: I am an intern coming from Lithuania trying to get better idea of what working in the creative field means. So far I have been doing some presentations – simply putting things together, helping with some layouts for the upcoming Easter sales brochure for Lyoness and retouching couple of photos as well as pimping up an old logo to the new one!
VUCX supports school project in South Africa
VUCX is supporting the rebuilding of primary school „No-Moscow“ in Qunu, South Africa. The project was intitiated by former president and Nobel prize winner Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela together with the Lyoness Child & Family foundation.
At their Annual Meeting in Vienna with 11,000 participants the worlds biggest shopping community Lyoness had organised an auction for the benefit of the Lyoness Child & Family Foundation.
The object of desire was a hand-signed framed image of Nelson Mandela, which had been taken during the latest visit at the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate in July 2012.
VUCX unterstützt Schulprojekt in Südafrika
VUCX unterstützt den Wiederaufbau der Grundschule No-Moscow in Qunu (Südafrika). Das Projekt wurde vom ehemaligen Präsidenten Südafrikas und Friedensnobelpreisträger Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela sowie der Lyoness Child & Family Foundation initiiert.
Im Rahmen der Jahresversammlung der größten Einkaufsgemeinschaft der Welt “LYONESS” in Wien, wurde eine Versteigerung zugunsten der Lyoness Child & Family Foundation durchgeführt.
Das Objekt der Begierde: ein aktuelles, handsigniertes Foto von Nelson Mandela, aufgenommen während eines Besuches bei Mandela im Juli 2012.