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Tag Archive for: Brand Marketing


Content Marketing is the Future!

Content Marketing – Make it Work For Your Company’s Success!

Your starting situation:

Many consumers, and not only the Generation Right-Here-Right-Now, are increasingly “immunized” against traditional marketing strategies. They subscribe to paid streaming services such as Netflix or Amazon to avoid TV commercials. They ignore print advertisements and are now surfing so routinely through the net that the banners and buttons plastered all over it do not even provoke a mild reaction except for an opt-out. Thought leaders and marketing experts have long understood that the efficiency and success of traditional push marketing are currently dwindling at a breath-taking pace.

“The era of classic push advertising is coming to an end,” said Ercin Filizli, CDO of the full service digital agency VUCX: “Consumers are completely oversaturated by traditional marketing measures – and at the same time looking for high-quality content that offers identification value, conveys knowledge and provides a concrete, personal value recognizable to the customer.”

The end of the classic marketing era heralds a new age: content marketing is “the (next) big thing”.

Content marketing has been around for quite some time now.It has been going through various transformations. Starting from the area of branded content to the post sponsored posts area with influencer marketing – the current big fuss.

But what exactly is content marketing? Read More


Why ‘Crossmedia’?


Each Era comes along with its own terms and jargon. If we look back on the past decades, in the 80s we’d talk about ‘Advertising’ to refer to the way of communicating a product or service’s assets with the aim to persuade or manipulate a massive audience. Moving on to the 90s, people would start talking about ‘Corporate Image’ and ‘corporate values’, as instruments to encourage consumers to behave in certain ways; from the year 2000, expressions like ‘Experience Design’, ‘User Centered Design’ and ‘Branding’ have appeared in the worldwide market scene and have awoken many controversies on how to engage ad-sceptic consumers in an interconnected technology-driven world… So, what should we be talking about nowadays?

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VUCX sorgt 2014 dafür, dass niederländische Betten deutsche Schlafzimmer erobern

auping-logoOhne Pitch hat sich VISION UNLTD. CREATIVE WORX den Gesamtetat des größten holländischen Bettenherstellers Koninklikje Auping gesichert.

Wir verantworten Mediaplanung und -booking (Out-of-Home, Radio, TV, Klassik & Digital), PR, Online Marketing sowie Social Media und VkF-Maßnahmen. Kampagnen werden von VUCX auf den deutschen Markt adaptiert.

VUCX betreut Auping seit 2012. Anfangs mit der Kommunikation des neu eröffneten Flagshipstores in Düsseldorf betraut, haben wir später den klassischen Mediaetat von Mindshare sowie den digitalen Etat von Quisma übernommen. Darüber hinaus wurde VUCX mit einer speziell auf den deutschen Markt zugeschnittenen Einführungskampagne beauftragt. 2013 wurde die Zusammenarbeit auf alle werblichen Maßnahmen inklusive der Media-Etats ausgedehnt.

„Wir freuen uns über die weitere Zusammenarbeit und das in uns gesetzte Vertrauen”, so VUCX Geschäftsführer Ercin Filizli. „Auping ist ein Kunde, bei dem wir unser komplettes Kompetenzspektrum von der Strategie über Kreation bis zur Umsetzung einsetzen können.”